Where Legal Underdogs Get Even
The Everyday Lawyer
Because let’s be honest: if you’re an everyday business owner, then the deck is stacked against you.
The legal deck that is. Because here’s another truth: the standard practices and rules that make up the world of business law weren’t created with everyday business owners in mind; they were created for giant corporations owned by the ultra rich. Trust me, I’ve done the research.
So if you’re a business owner and the law makes your head spin, then know this:
It’s not your fault.
It’s not your fault you have trouble figuring out what it means to manage and protect against risk in your business.
It’t not your fault that legalese looks and feels like a foreign language.
It’s not your fault that you don’t know how to negotiate that contract or even what questions to ask about it.
None of it is your fault because none of these systems and practices were designed with you in mind. They were designed to benefit giant corporations and the ultra rich. Until now, no one has paid particular attention to the legal needs of the everyday business owner. And no one has thought about the legal standards and practices that everyday business owners need to build thriving businesses.
Until Now.

We need to understand that big dog legal tactics were never built for underdogs like us.
We simply don’t have the same budgets.
Or the same assets that need protecting.
Or the same goals for our businesses.
So it’s not hard to figure out why laws created to help people with unlimited resources who want to build empires are difficult for people with limited resources who are trying to build to enough to understand and navigate.
It’s because us underdogs don’t have the same needs as corporate empires.
And it’s possible we don’t even have the same priorities.
So the way we think about, understand, and navigate the law of business needs to reflect our priorities; not theirs.
And whichever legal strategies we use need to work with our budgets; not theirs.
So if you’re an everyday business owner without a big pile of endless cash laying around who lacks easy and regular access to a lawyer whose clients are almost all larger companies with lawyers on staff, then I’ve got news for you my friend.
You’re a legal underdog.
Why I Created The Everyday Lawyer:
It doesn’t matter what you’re calling yourself, a solopreneur, a consultant, or a service provider, as long as you want to learn how to stand your legal ground, you’re in the right place.
Learn how to think about the law strategically so it can be a powerful tool in your toolkit that helps you build a business that supports the life you want to live.
Because it’s time for us underdogs to know what it feels like for hte law to be a business asset instead of business liability.

Hi, I’m Brionna, The Everyday Lawyer
And I’m a lawyer with 10 years of experience who traded teams several years ago.
That’s right, I started my career working for the big dogs. And when I say “big dogs,” I literally mean more than one billionaire.
But it turns out helping billionaires become trillionaires isn’t really my jam. So a few years back, I quite the corporate law life to support small businesses and I’ve never looked back.
Now I’m a lawyer who teaches underdogs like you the business law you need to know to be build a thriving business.
Because I’m here to level the playing field between you the folks in those big ivory towers.
I’m here to put you in the know about business law.
I’m here to tell you which legal things actually matter to you as a small business owner and which “standard” practices actually only apply to big companies.
So if you want to know how to think strategically about the law in a way that makes sense for your business, then you’re probably in the right place.
Stop Rolling Over And Playing Dead
Get the Underdog’s Guide to Contract Negotiation Instead
Don't know what the legal terms in your contract mean? No problem.
You can still advocate for better contracts for your business. Because being a savvy negotiator doesn’t mean you have to be a legal vocabulary whiz; it just means you need to understand context and how it impacts you.
In this one-hour free workshop, you’ll learn how to use the power of context to understand the terms of your client’s contract better and to develop a strategy for negotiating them.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
The 3 key context clues that every business owner needs to know when entering a contract negotiation;
How to shape those context clues into a straightforward negotiation strategy; and
One simple, but powerful, negotiation tool anyone can use to get better contracts.
Don’t keep caving to terms you know are bad in your client’s contracts just because you don’t know what the law means. Join the league of business owners who are choosing to stand their legal ground instead.