Why Not Every Legal Issue Needs a Lawyer

It’s true. Not every legal issue needs a lawyer.

I repeat: not every legal issue needs a lawyer.

In fact, there’s a lot of legal stuff that will come up in your work that doesn’t need a lawyer.

For example, you can register your business as an LLC without the help of a lawyer or a company like Legal Zoom. It takes about 10 minutes and you just need to know the name of your business and have a computer with working internet and a credit card. 

There are other legal things you can figure out too. A lot of people negotiate contracts without a lawyer like employment and consulting contracts. And you can sign them without a lawyer, too. 

You can launch and sell a product without a lawyer. 

There’s a lot of stuff you can do without a lawyer if you speak enough legalese to get by.

If you build a basic understanding of the legal issues that come up in work and business, you can make a lot of informed decisions confidently without having to consult a lawyer. 

I’m not saying you should never hire a lawyer. I’m just saying that you have a right to be able to discern when, where, and under what circumstances you decide to hire a lawyer. 

I’m saying that not every legal issue needs to cause you to panic and have heart palpitations. 

I’m saying that there’s another way to do things. 

I’m saying that you don’t always need a lawyer to sign off on every single move you make in your business and your work. 

I’m saying that a little legal education can go a long way if you’re a small business owner, consultant, and/or freelancer. 

And most importantly, I’m saying that you’re smart and capable and that you can figure out a lot of things when you have access to the right resources. 

My goal is to be that resource for you. 

Let’s get you legalese fluent

so you know when to hire a lawyer and when you can handle that legal issue confidently on your own.


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